We hope you have received prenatal education to review labour and delivery, pain management in labour and other great information. You can also visit the following websites to review this valuable information: Babys Best Chance: https://www.healthlinkbc.ca/sites/default/files/documents/babys-best-chance.pdf

https://info.markhamprenatal.com/markham/  (free online prenatal classes)


  •         5-1-1 : A simple rule for when to go to the hospital for labour is the 5-1-1 rule. You may be in active labour if your contractions happen at least every 5 minutes, last for 1 minute each, and have been happening consistently for at least 1 hour.
  •         If you would like medication for pain
  •         If you have a sudden release of fluid from your vagina.  It is possible to mistake a leak of amniotic fluid for a problem with bladder control, but your nurses and doctor will need to assess
  •         If you are not feeling the baby move or feel a decrease in movement
  •         If you have bright red bleeding (This is an Emergency)
  •         If you are having severe abdominal pain between contractions (This is an Emergency)
  •         If you have the feeling something is wrong.

Please call BTHC at 204 331 8800 and let them know you are on your way, a nurse will ask you questions and prepare for your arrival.