We are a Teaching Facility!
As part of the Boundary Trails Clinical Teaching Unit, we are affiliated with the University of Manitoba and are responsible to teach 3rd and 4th year medical students (clerks) as well as doctors who are specializing in family medicine (family medicine residents). A combined site, Winkler/Morden is one of the six rural teaching programs which also includes Dauphin, Brandon, Portage La Prairie, Steinbach, and a combined St. Anne/Notre Dame. Students spend five weeks in Winkler/Morden as part of a core clerkship rotation while residents may spend anywhere from 2 months to 18 months in Winkler/Morden during their two year family medicine residency.
Having multi-level learners at one site is considered a strength of the program. While in Winkler/Morden, the learners see patients in the hospital and clinic. They participate in surgery and are expected to be on call for the emergency department and for delivering babies. All students are supervised by an attending physician but the level of supervision depends on the students’ level of training. A patient seeing a clerk (3rd or 4th year student) should expect to see their own family physician, however, a family medicine resident may feel comfortable dealing with a patient on his/her own.
All patients are reviewed with an attending physician by the end of the day! The physicians at C.W. Wiebe Medical are committed to teaching and we encourage you as a patient to engage a student. We believe that teaching keeps us current and is an excellent tool for recruitment and sustainability in our community. A number of the physicians that are presently practicing in Winkler first came here as students and/or residents.
We as physicians appreciate the willingness of most patients to involve a student in their care and believe it will continue to be a positive experience!