Patient / Visitor Code of Conduct

CW Wiebe Medical Centre is committed to providing high-quality care to our patients and community in a safe and respectful environment that supports health and healing. 

To ensure our clinic is safe, caring, and inclusive, we ask that patients and visitors follow the example of CW Wiebe Medical Centre physicians, allied health professionals and support staff by adhering to our Patient and Visitor Code of Conduct, which includes the following:

  • Everyone will be treated with kindness, dignity, and respect. Offensive comments about race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or personal traits are not acceptable, and neither is the refusal to see a physician or clinician based on these traits. 
  • All patients and visitors will use respectful, appropriate language and behavior. Physical or verbal threats or assaults, suggestive or explicit words, phrases, gestures, or actions will not be tolerated. 
  • All patients and visitors will respect patient privacy and avoid disrupting other patients’ care or experiences. 
  • All patients and visitors must obtain the consent of everyone involved for any photographing or video/audio recording within the clinic.

If these guidelines are not followed:

  • Patients may be asked to leave and make other plans for their primary care, and for severe violations, future care at CW Wiebe Medical Centre may require review. In cases of non-compliance, patients will have an opportunity to explain their perspective, which will be considered prior to any decisions regarding future care at CW Wiebe Medical Centre.
  • Visitors may be asked to leave and could be restricted from future visitation.  

Every day, our physicians, allied health providers and support staff are committed to providing the highest levels of care to our patients. Please show them the respect they deserve and that you expect as a patient or visitor.

Thank you for joining us in our commitment to ensuring a safe, caring, and inclusive environment for us all.

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